Power Up Museum Visit
On Wednesday, January 15th, Troy High School's Power Up group visited the Houston Museum of Natural Science for an educational and engaging experience. During their visit, students attended a class focused on renewable energy. The session provided insights into the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of renewable energy sources. It also highlighted current trends and future projections for reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
Following the class, students viewed a film titled Cities of the Future. The movie showcased innovative ways engineers are addressing global challenges by utilizing renewable energy. Key concepts included solar energy beamed from space to power entire cities, smart buildings and green infrastructure designed to maintain cooler environments, and futuristic transportation methods such as aerial highways and energy-efficient pods.
The group also explored the museum’s Matter and Motion exhibit. This exhibit delves into groundbreaking discoveries ranging from the nano scale to the vast galactic scale. It provides a foundational understanding of the chemistry and physics principles essential to comprehending today’s advanced scientific developments.
The visit offered students an enriching opportunity to connect with cutting-edge science and innovative solutions shaping the future.